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Our Commitment to Black Lives Matter (and How You Can Join Us)

As the famous quote says, “Talk is Cheap”. We at the Donor Relations Guru Group do a lot of talking. But we always back that up with our actions. Our stance on Black Lives Matter is going to be exactly the same. Here are a few commitments we are making to effect change in the nonprofit fundraising world.

  • We will be including a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion statement in all of our contracts moving forward.

  • We will no longer accept work from organizations that do not believe in the fight for social justice and equity and inclusion for all.

  • We will no longer recommend vendors or spend any money with any vendors who do not believe that Black Lives Matter and do not believe in social justice and equity and inclusion for all.

  • None of our members or associates will speak in venues that are not inclusive and don’t allow access for all. In addition, we will not speak anywhere that was used in the past to discriminate or separate people, including country clubs and private venues.

  • We will commit to speaking at and sponsoring events and conferences only if speakers from diverse backgrounds are represented

  • All of our members will be educated in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and will have ongoing training in areas of bias and others.

Anti Racism Resources:

My personal recommendations for books and shows to watch:

Biased by social psychologist Jennifer Eberhardt

White Fragility by multicultural education scholar Robin DiAngelo

My Vanishing Country by Bakari Sellers

A River of No Return by Cleveland Sellers

The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander

Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates

The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America

By Richard Rothstein


Dear White People


The Long Walk Home

Eyes on the Prize

American Son

When they See Us


Remember the Titans

Do the Right Thing

When the Levees Broke

A few more resources from our team:


My top StrengthsFinder theme is Input and, as such, I am always on the lookout for new and interesting information -- taking in various perspectives and synthesizing. In my personal journey to combat racism, I have benefitted greatly from the wisdom of others; what I have learned has been equally important as what I have UN-learned. To embrace the values of equity and justice, I find it imperative to listen to the life experiences of others, learn from voices that are too often marginalized, and lend our own voice to the fight. A few resources I have found helpful on my journey include:

This book by Beverly Daniel Tatum was a game changer for me in understanding systemic racism and my responsibility to actively work toward change. The author's powerful description of visualizing "the ongoing cycle of racism as a moving walkway at the airport" has stuck with me from the day I first read it. Unless we walk actively in the other direction -- until we are actively anti-racist -- we are carried along in silent agreement.

Your Black Colleagues May Look Like They’re Okay — Chances Are They’re Not Our vice president shared this article with the team as a resource -- and a powerful reminder of the painfully different lived experiences we are having in this country. 

Adam Grant is one of my favorite authors and his work is highly influential in my own leadership practices. I appreciated this recent post about our responsibility as white people to speak up -- and to do our own self-work. True to form, Adam included a list of resources to help inform the conversation. I also find solace and inspiration in the resources shared by Colorado State University's Office of the Vice President for Diversity. From the note of solidarity with our Black community to an impressive, ever-growing list of resources, I feel fortunate to be part of a community that is avowedly anti-racist and committed to doing better by knowing better. 

Angie Here are two resources I have been using to help me during this time of unrest. 

One is the amazing leadership of UC Davis' Chancellor Gary May. A brilliant engineer, father, husband, leader and friend. He cares about diversity and inclusion on our campus and has created positions, programs, and task forces to move our community toward a place where all people are treated with love and respect. He is also unafraid to be vulnerable and honest and will use social media to share his personal point of view. After Ahmad Arbery was gunned down while running he posted a picture of himself on Facebook running asking the question—What if I were running in Brunswick, GA on February 23?  And then when George Floyd was killed by police brutality he wrote the beautiful message to our campus community. See below:

This week he also did a Facebook Live event—featuring a moment of silence for all those who have been killed senselessly. It was powerful and meaningful! He is an inspiration to me and thousands more. His insights have pierced my heart and made me both proud to call him my leader and friend. He has also stirred in me a desire to become more educated and to speak out and act!

The second resource I have turned to during this uncertain time is a really, really old book—the Bible. When I am lost and confused it is a book I can turn to give me hope. It can remind me how to love and serve everyone no matter what their age, color, or ethnicity, gender or nationality. Love is everywhere it can be found in John 13:34 "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another." Or Mark 12:31 "Love your neighbor as yourself. ’There is no commandment greater than these.” Or Psalm 67:4 " May the nations be glad and sing for joy, for you rule the peoples with equity and guide the nations of the earth."  

We hope you will join us in our commitment, and that you find these resources helpful. Do you have any great resources you would recommend? Please share them in the comments below.

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